Monday, July 8, 2013

Miley Cyrus in this Week's - Monday Microscope

Alright everyone, it's Monday today, and I want to introduce a new series I am starting. Every Monday there will be a new Monday Microscope. The Monday Microscope is where I put the microscope on one celebrity. I will analyze and critique their recent news worthy events. So without further ado, here we go:

Miley Cyrus
Alright, I am kind of on the Miley Cyrus bandwagon, but who isn't with her latest actions. Now Miley used to be a good girl following in the footsteps of her father, Billy Ray Cyrus. But things have changed. 

"Hannah Montana"
Miley used to be a cute teen idol that little girls looked up to. She had her own show on Disney Channel called, Hannah Montana. With or without the help of Billy Ray is still very impressive.  Her star rating was glowing, and she was invincible.

There has been some hints of what's to come with being this popular but at the time we were all high on Miley Cyrus. 

The thing that really changed her life for good was when the news broke out that she was using drugs. This really made parents to keep their kid from following Miley, and that's when she broke out of "Teen Idol Miley"

Then there was the famous pole dance at the KIDS choice award. I mean come on Miley, there is kids involved.

Nothing to say now...


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